Monday, November 25, 2019

Inflammatory Arthritis Testimonial

Jennifer – Perth, WA

Hi Cassie,

I’ve been meaning to email you to let you know about my experience with the ImuPro test.

I have had inflammatory arthritis for nearly 20 years and have been taking biologic drugs for about 15 years. For the last couple of years I’ve struggled with the effectiveness of these medications leading to more flares and my disease becoming increasingly unstable. On top if this I recently have been experiencing a lot of stomach issues related to the disease but not able to be treated.

When I started the elimination I was suffering from a particularly bad flare-up. Within 3 days I noticed improvement and within 5 days was back to normal. This has never occurred without medical intervention and a very precarious cocktail of some hefty drugs and can take months to get back on track.

I’m absolutely thrilled with the outcome and wished I done this years ago. I’m still on my core arthritis medications but my goal was to get back to stability and allow the medications to work. That has been achieved and the stomach issues have vastly improved also.

I had always suspected for a while that food was exacerbating my symptoms but had no idea where to start. If I’d tried this myself I would’ve failed and given up.

I have recommended this to pretty much everyone I know, including my rheumatologist. I know a few have taken it up and I’m sure more will.

Thanks again for your assistance this has truly been life changing.

Best regards


Perth, WA

The post Inflammatory Arthritis Testimonial appeared first on ImuPro.

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