Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Delayed food allergies and depression

Symptoms caused by delayed food allergies can take up to 72 hours to develop, making it very difficult for patients and even medical practitioners to make the link between food and disease.  As an inflammatory trigger, delayed food allergies can often play a major role in behavioral disorders including depression. If the trigger foods are routinely eaten they could be preventing therapeutic measures from being effective.

Behavioural conditions and symptoms associated with delayed food allergies include:

ADHD, anxiety, autism, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, dizziness (associated with anxiety), hyperactivity, lethargy, PMS, stress/tension, weight gain and/or weight loss (affecting self-esteem).

How exactly do delayed food allergies and inflammation contribute to behaviour disorders and depression?

Studies have shown that there is a connection between stress, inflammation and disease. The key hormone for happiness is serotonin. During chronic stress and inflammation, serotonin is not accurately produced and over time it can become deficient, leading to depression and/or sleep disorders.

Gluten and dairy are hard to avoid and generally form part of most people’s daily diets. A number of milk protein fragments have been shown to behave like opioids. Opioid fragments present in cow’s milk and in gluten may exhibit a direct action in the brain associated with chronic inflammation, which may then lead to ADHD, anxiety, bipolar disease and/or autism.

Other trigger foods that are also regularly consumed in a typical daily diet include tree nuts, peanuts, chicken egg, soybeans and yeast. For most of us, these foods are fineto eat, but if you experience any behaviour disorders or depression, these and other foods you consume on a regular basis may be aggravating or enhancing your symptoms. They may even be responsible.

How can I identify the foods that are causing inflammation in my body?

IgG is a defense protein generated by our immune system. Its task is to bind to a foreign substance called an antigen. This antigen is recognised as an invader, having the potential to harm the body. The body recognises the “invader” and induces an inflammatory cascade response designed to destroy the antigen.

ImuPro :

  • is a highly sophisticated and reliable blood test, detecting high levels of IgG antibodies specific to particular foods .
  • enables you to change your diet by identifying your personal pro-inflammatory foods, so you know which ones to avoid.

Evidence for an immune response in major depression: a review and hypothesis.
Maes M. Progress in 
Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry 1995 Volume 19, Issue1, Pages11-38.

The role of IgG hypersensitivity in the pathogenesis and therapy of depressive disorders.
Department of Clinical Neuropsychiatry Medical University , Lublin , Poland.
Institute for Microecology , PoznaƄ , Poland.
Department of Dietetics Higher School of Social Sciences , Lublin , Poland.
Department of Psychology University of Pedagogy , Bialystok , Poland.

The post Delayed food allergies and depression appeared first on ImuPro.

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