Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Eczema Testimonial from Jemma in New Zealand

Kai, 5 years old – New Zealand

I have 4 young boys, 3 of which have varying degrees of eczema. We had tried everything from creams to gut healing to Karen Fischer eczema diet, gluten free, dairy free, supplements, probiotics- EVERYTHING! My 4 year old son Kai’s eczema was becoming so severe he actually stopped thriving. We initially started using the steroid creams/regime prescribed by the doctor but he was declining every day. After 6 months of trying every cream natural or otherwise, changing washing powders/cleaning products to eczema friendly ones, we were referred to the hospital. They came up with more steroid cream and an IgE allergy test which came back positive to cats, grass and dust mites being the worst. No IgE allergies to any foods tested – dairy, nuts, eggs, soy, fish etc. We had no cats and he didn’t go outside on the grass. I bought all the anti-dust mite bedding (so expensive), he had a new bed and all 100% cotton sheets, duvets, pillows etc. 60 degree hot washes every other day, no soft toys, vacuumed every day, but it never made any difference.


Getting more and more desperate I came across the Karen Fischer eczema diet. I started all 3 boys on it, initially after 3 months all 3 boys skin cleared to about 90% and they were really clear for about 2 months, then the eczema starting coming back again for all of them despite still being on the diet 100%. The boys were actually miserable because the diet was so restrictive and their skin was terrible and Kai was in a constant torment of itching especially at night. He would wake every hour for at least 30min in these itching episodes. My husband or I had to sleep with him so he didn’t scratch himself apart, which he managed to do anyway. He lived in cotton tights, socks and cotton long sleeve tops – I had to sew the ends of the sleeves together so he couldn’t scratch. His skin didn’t actually look as bad as you can imagine, probably because we took so much care keeping it moisturised. We had weaned him off steroid cream and emulsifying ointment because we had got to the strongest steroid cream and none of it worked.

They all went back to eating a more relaxed diet because it was Christmas 2018 and they were all miserable. Kai just kept getting worse. A friend of mine whose daughter had been in the same situation was at her wits end. She had also been to skin specialists and everything else like me, but her daughter was getting worse. She came across a nutritionist who was an old friend. She got her the ImuPro test along with supplements specific for her after her results. Her daughter cleared to perfection! So that’s when I decided to do it too. I went through the same practitioner and did your test. We also got supplements specific for Kai. Vit D, Vit E oil (couldn’t have fish oil because he was intolerant to fish from his test), probiotics and a gut healing powder without gluten, soy etc. We put all the kids on Kai’s ImuPro recommended diet because it was easier to cook that way and it was fairer on Kai.

After a week Kai had stopped itching during the day. He still itched at night but only woke 3 times. He just got a little bit better and better every day. After about a month on the ImuPro diet and on Kai’s 5th birthday, he wore shorts and a t-shirt for the first time! His skin was about 70% better after a month on ImuPro. We kept him from starting school until term 3 because we were focusing on getting him better and stronger so he could cope. I think he had actually stopped growing during the time he was so unwell.

Fast forward 6 months and we have a totally different child. His skin is clear 99% of the time (sometimes has little tiny flares), he is happy and was able to start school. No more bloody sheets or uncontrollable itching (although he still itches at night even though his skin is clear, it’s like it’s become a habit), no more 4 x a day daily creaming in lotions. His eyes are full of life and he is thriving. He is still avoiding all trigger foods. I am so grateful beyond words for the life-saving service you provide. I recommend you to everyone I come across with unexplained eczema.


The post Eczema Testimonial from Jemma in New Zealand appeared first on ImuPro.

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